In all seriousness, there is something magical about Pumpkin Pie; not just a lame title for my post. It was always a childhood favorite and I still enjoy baking and cooking with pumpkin. I even incorporate it into curries, potpies and other favorite fall dishes. But, my favorite will always be pie. A true classic.
Who could resist the texture, the spices, the warm-fuzzy feeling after eating the first bite. Awhh, yes! Pumpkin Pie, you are so magical!
individual pumpkin pots baking
These individual pumpkin pots might not look as "magical" as I hyped them up to be, but their taste is superb and I guarantee a warm fuzzy feeling upon ingesting.
Last year for Thanksgiving I used Susan V's recipe from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen for her Pumpkin Cheesecake. It was sooo good that I got excited to make it once the leaves started to fall off the trees. I highly recommend this recipe if you are planning on attending a meal with omnivores, they will be so impressed. That is, if you share...
I had leftover cream cheese filling since I placed the pumpkin/cheesecake mixture into individual ramekins. So when life gives you extra cheesecake mixture, make ghosts! I tried to make ghosts on top of the pumpkin. Some turned out great and some look just like blobs. It was fun and my guests thought it was a cute idea! I'll try to get a turkey outline down by the 26th!
Is that a ghost in the pumpky pot? Spooky...