Blugghhhaaaa... I've been studyin' my lil' buns off as the end of the semester approaches. I probably should be studying now or editing some papers, but, I need a break. For me, breaks usually include some of the following- tea, chocolate, screaming, maybe crying or maybe even some dancing. The joys of being a student.
When I'm up burnin' the midnight oil I usually start to crave something oh-so sweet and decadent. Something warm, chocolaty, rich and completely delightful to keep my very short attention span attentive. Hot cocoa usually does the trick, but once in a while, I need a flippin' brownie. Ohh yeah, a brownie.
Back in the day I wouldn't have a problem making a pan of brownies and sharing it with others in my house. Now, living alone, that's something I'd only do when I'm up late at night with a bottle of wine feeling sorry for myself as I watch Bridgett Jone's Diary. I have not had a night like that in a loooonnnggg time, but it would be an example of when I might mow through a whole pan of brownies; only to pass out with brownie crumbs and drool all over my face. What a scene...
I used some leftover tofutti and mixed it with some powdered sugar, vanilla and lemon to make a cream cheese topping. Oh my.
To help me stay on top of studying and not eat a whole pan of brownies I found the perfect medium. A brownie baked for one! When I need that extra whatev' to keep me focused and studying I rely on Happy Herbivore's single-serving brownie recipe. It's amazing and kinda healthy as brownies go! The recipe makes the perfect amount of brownie and gives a perfect amount of time to put the books down to take a break and enjoy some chocolate!
Wether you're living alone and don't want to over indulge in some chocolate, need a break from school, work or whatever, make this recipe! It will put a smile on your face. You might even giggle a bit when you take your first bite!
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