Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Get It while you can!

Asparagus!  Right now, I can't think of anything that would beat fresh and local asparagus.  It's completely different than the asparagus shipped from Peru, California or wherever.  Fresh, fresh stuff is so tender, sometimes I just eat it raw.  I'll take asparagus just about anyway, except being overcooked...  What a waste of a tasty vegetable! 

The soup I tossed together is delicious; it will satisfy your hunger and any asparagus needs.  It's rich, velvety and plain ol' delicious, not to mention soy free!  Garnish with some sun-dried tomatoes.  I even mixed some spinach leaves into the bowl before serving for some extra iron and calcium.  Your friends and family will be requesting this healthy and elegant bowl again, for sure.  

Creamy Asparagus Soup

2 tbs olive oil
1 onion
2 garlic cloves - minced
1 lb asparagus
3-4 carrots - chopped

4 1/2 c water
1 vegetable bouillon cube

2 tsp basil
1 1/2 tsp parsley
4 tbs nutritional yeast
1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes
1 tsp salt 
juice of lemon- a lil' less than 1/4 of a cup
dash of pepper
dash or more... of crushed red pepper

Saute onion, garlic and oil.  Add asparagus and carrots until their colors become bright- al dante.  While the vegis are doin' their thing, bring the water to a boil with the bouillon cube.  Once it's dissolved, add in vegetables and spices, turning down the heat.  Use an immersion blender to puree after mixing everything in.  If you don't have an immersion blender, grab a regular blender and blend away!  Blend until smooth or if you prefer to leave some chunks, leave some chunks!  Enjoy the deliciousness! 

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